In fourth grade, students are transitioning from primary to intermediate and in that process begin learning how to be responsible, independent, and advocate for themselves. Fourth graders complete nightly homework, learn how to use and manage a planner, and learn time management skills in order to successfully balance school, co-curricular activities, and time with their family.
Through Spirit of Truth and Disciples in Christ, Education in Virtue curricula, students focus on learning how to be faithful disciples of Jesus by living a virtuous life, following the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes, and practicing the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy by writing monthly letters to homebound parishioners. Students strengthen their number sense, use their mastery of multiplication facts to multiply multi-digit numbers and learn long division, add, subtract, compare, and order fractions, and begin the study of geometry through Envisions math curriculum.
English is integrated throughout the day into all subjects from religion to math and history to science by reading directions during independent work, finding main ideas and details, and answering comprehension questions. Students read novels, learn grammar skills and rules through the Shurley Grammar curriculum, strengthen writing skills using narratives with the Writing Rhetoric program, and learn spelling rules and patterns using Memoria Press's Traditional Spelling IV. Using Catholic Textbook Project: A Journey Across America, students learn all about our great state of Oregon, how the pioneers arrived in this area, and the history of the Archdiocese of Portland. Field trips to local pioneer homesteads provide hands-on experiences allowing students to explore life as an early pioneer. Students conduct hands-on labs in science to explore energy, sound, and the layers of the Earth, learn how to be positive stewards of the Earth, and practice the engineering design process through creating their very own Fourth Grade Arcade for the school.